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Mattress cleaning for your Hotel Room, Resident Room,Hospital Room or Home.

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Clean Sleep Technology offers a safe and effective way to clean your mattress.  Our services target allergens, odors, stains and the other problems which you are bound to encounter as a mattress owner.

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Book your appointment

[retinaicon icon=”phone” color=”#999999″ background=”#efefef” size=”medium”]

Call Clean Sleep to arrange a time that fits your schedule.[/box][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][box style=”1″]

Prepare the mattress

[retinaicon icon=”thumbs-up-alt” color=”#999999″ background=”#efefef” size=”medium”]

Remove all bed linens for us to transport it outside.[/box][/one_fourth]
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We clean it
on site

[retinaicon icon=”truck” color=”#999999″ background=”#efefef” size=”medium”]

We transport your mattress to our mobile equipment.[/box][/one_fourth]
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Enjoy a
Clean Sleep

[retinaicon icon=”moon” color=”#999999″ background=”#efefef” size=”medium”]

Enjoy a sleep free from allergens and micro-organisms.[/box][/one_fourth_last]

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[skill percentage=”100″ title=”Stain Removal”]
[skill percentage=”100″ title=”Bed Bug Removal”]
[skill percentage=”100″ title=”Dust Mite Removal”]
[skill percentage=”100″ title=”Urine Removal”]
[skill percentage=”100″ title=”Odor Removal”]

[one_third_last][separator headline=”h3″ title=”Why Choose Us?”]

Getting your mattress professionally cleaned couldn’t be easier. Simply schedule an appointment and we come to you. Prepare the mattress by removing all bed linens and we will transport it outside to our vehicle.

[list_item icon=”ok”] Quick and convenient.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”ok”] Mobile service. We come to you.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”ok”] Our service is 100% guaranteed.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”ok”] Safe and natural. Eco-friendly.[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”ok”] Extends the life of your mattress.[/list_item]
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[button link=”https://www.cleansleep.ca/contact-2/contact-alternative/3810895?ref=minti” size=”small” target=”_blank” icon=”shopping-cart” color=”alternative-1″ lightbox=”false”]Schedule an appointment[/button]




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Ultra Violet Light



Dry Steam






Ozone Generation



Infrared Heat


Mattress cleaning for your business.

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Clean Sleep has the capacity and resources to service large commercial projects. Whether it be a case-by-case relationship or a full Clean Sleep certification for all beds, our commercial clients utilize our expertise in a variety of ways.  Our monthly service plans are great in maintaining your current mattresses in their best possible condition for your guests’ and residents’ health.

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